Music from the Jane Austen Songbook

1 hour and 10 min 

A Dialogue from Pride and Prejudice
Chastity from Susannah                                   George Frideric Handel
The poor little Gypsy                                         Samuel Arnold   

A Reading from Pride and Prejudice
Three Irish and Scottish Airs
O Nanny wilt thou gang wi’ me                         Thomas Carter
She rose and Let me In                                          Bremner
The Irishman                                                             Anon

A Reading from the novel Emma
The Mansion of Peace                                             Samuel Webbe
William                                                                      Franz Joseph Haydn
A ballad adapted in English words by T. Billington [1732-1809]
Sonata in C***Hob. XVI:35) 

A Dialogue from the novel Emma
Go and on my truth relying                              Charles Dibdin
The Lamplighter                                                Charles Dibdin

The Battle of Prague, a Sonata for the Piano Forte (c.1788) Frantisek Kotzwara

 A Reading from Persuasion
What Alas Shall Orpheus Do (Che farò senza Euridice)    C.W. Gluck
La Biondina in Gondoletta                                              Anon. Venetian Ballad

 A Reading from Sense and Sensibility
The Sapling Oak                                                                                Storace
Nymphs and Shepherds                                                                  Thomas Arne
The Soldier Tir’d                                                                               Thomas Arne

A Reading from Emma

last updated May 12, 2008